Your Data & Business Automation Enabler with Instant Insights. Seamlessly construct logic and workflows for enhanced efficiency in data-driven decision-making.

Flow Difference

Integrate and Connect your Data

Import, export and manage SQL, Excel, G-Sheet, databases, data warehouses, APIs, etc. Update automatically at any time.

Effortless Data Cleansing & Curation

Save valuable time by using LOGIBLOX data massaging tools instead of tedious and complex data science coding.

Transparent Workflows & Pipelines

Build processes, workflows and pipelines with ease. Create flexible variants and gain maximum transparency in no time.

Create Robust RESTful Backends

Generate automatic endpoints for your data sources, logic, and AI models. Scalable and equipped with Swagger Documentation.

Test Lab

Craft professional, quality-assuring test cases for your endpoints.

Version Control

Freeze specific versions to ensure that only thoroughly tested endpoints go live. Rollback at any time.

 Import and Connect Any Data

Import and Connect Any Data

LOGIBLOX Flow enables you to manage and process data with absolute ease and no coding. EVERYONE can build and transform data. This is a fundamental game changer for your performance enabling all your people to become active drivers for your data-driven business.

Effortless Data Cleansing & Curation

Effortless Data Cleansing & Curation

Data Cleansing and Curation is one of the most tedious tasks for all parties involved in data operations excellence. You can quickly clean, segment, normalize, standardize, classify and transform all the data and see where potential errors arise and have full control in each and every step. It allows for immediate change and action instantly from demand to implementation.

Transparent Workflows & Pipelines

Transparent Workflows & Pipelines

Introducing the power of no-code workflows and data pipelines. Simply focus on results. With our intuitive and user-friendly interface, you can now streamline your data processes without the need for complex coding. Save time, increase efficiency, and take control of your data like never before!

Low-Code Booster

Low-Code Booster

LOGIBLOX boosts your creativity by incorporating low-code capabilities. Write your own code and manipulate your data as you like. Our intuitive code editor also provides debugging and error reporting. Our platform therefore offers greater flexibility and functionality to build your unique data automation.

Build powerful backends

Build powerful backends

Craft scalable RESTful APIs tailored to your requirements. Regulate access permissions, including advanced version control, with ease. Let LOGIBLOX handle the tedious tasks, automatically generating standardized endpoints for all your project's data sources. LOGIBLOX also takes care of producing industry-standard Swagger API Documentation, ensuring a seamless experience for your API consumers.

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. . .

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Building a Modern App based on Google Sheets without Code

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Creating complex realtime Manufacturing KPI Dashboards

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