Data Science Consulting

The foundation for analytics excellence & success

LOGIBLOX offers Swiss data science & AI consulting tailored to your needs.


Data science helps your company to optimize strategy, decision-making, and its processes. It entails scientific principles to answer questions from data and unveils massive opportunities. With our Swiss-based top-notch data sciencists from world-class universities together with our strong consulting background, we specialize in helping organizations maximize the value of their data through advanced analytics such as AI.


Our team`s passion is data and we work closely with clients to identify opportunities for extracting insights and predictions from their data using cutting-edge techniques and technologies. Our approach involves leveraging statistical and machine learning techniques to identify patterns and trends in data, as well as using optimization techniques to identify the best course of action based on the available data.

Project Methodology

Our project methodology is based on quick use-case validation and starts with a Concept Phase to develop hypothesis, then explore the feasibility and finally build a working prototype. In a nutshell, three quick steps to maximize your success:


Together with you we develop hypotheses, then collect and prepare the data analysis.


Based on your data, we build up a test environment with the goal of feasibility & validation.


After that we build your Analytics / AI prototype.



Improve the efficiency of your system, processes, or product. We help you identifying areas that can be improved and implementing changes to achieve better results, reduce costs, increase productivity, and improve quality. We use different tools like mathematical models, statistical analysis, or AI models for optimizations.



Automated recommendations based on AI-supported data analysis can be a powerful tool for your business looking to make data-driven decisions. Maintain a competitive advantage and achieve better outcomes for your business.

Transform Your Organization

Get ready to unlock hidden insights from your data.

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