Build smarter and faster

AI-powered data experience platform

The smartest way to build data automation, analytics, applications & AI solutions based on high quality data.

BE5X more Efficient

Build10X Faster

Save>80% Costs

The powerful end-to-end
no- and low-code smart solutions platform
ever created for d

LOGIBLOX is a visual, no- and low-code solution platform that empowers you to build custom AI-powered applications 10x faster, with higher quality, and >50% less costs than ever before.




Data Transparency




Predictive AI


Generative AI / GPT


App Builder


Logic Builder


Data Model Builder


Your Assets


API & Data Connectors


Low-Code Booster

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Data Analytics & AI

Smart business decisions rely on high quality business data. LOGIBLOX helps you harness data and AI to make better decisions and unlock new levels of innovation. Whether you are a beginner or more experienced, we offer the right resources to empower you.

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Solutions without code?

Does developing cutting-edge software without writing any code seem like an odd concept? Well, with LOGIBLOX, it's as simple as linking pre-tested, powerful blox to build your solution much faster than traditional methods. You take control of the process as you proceed. Ultimately, you can enable your business experts to realize their full potential.

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Data automation uses technology to collect, process, analyze, and visualize data. It reduces errors, saves time and resources, and facilitates decision-making. LOGIBLOX automates tasks such as data entry, report generation, and analysis. This improves your efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in today's data-driven world.

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Visualization, Dashboards and Apps

With LOGIBLOX, you'll discover the power of visualizing complex data sets in a clear and intuitive way. Our platform provides you with the tools to explore, analyze, and communicate insights from your data. Whether you are a data analyst, a business professional, or anyone who wants to make sense of their data. So, let's get started and uncover the stories hidden in your data!

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Data Science & AI Consulting

Are you looking for data science expertise? At LOGIBLOX, we got you covered! Our Swiss-based top-notch data science experts provide reliable, effective and fast solutions for predictive analytics, machine learning, MLOps, and data visualization to drive your growth and success.


Transform Your Organization

Get ready to unlock hidden insights from your data.

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